Monday, February 12, 2007

Workshop #3 Fun

Ok, so here’s some fun information we learned today:

∆Suniverse = ∆Ssystem + ∆Ssurroundings

a) Reversible:
∆S = qrev/tf = (nC∆T)/tf

b) Irreversible:
∆S = n C ln(Tf/Ti) = n R ln(Vf/Vi)

*For entropy changes: (like in the exploration in the workshop)
If the surroundings don't really change temperature, the process will be reversible. (exp. a(I))
If the surroundings do change temperature noticeably, the process will be irreversible. (a(II))
The same goes for the system. (the iron piece)
(The wonderful example of the millionaire vs. the college student with $50)

*Entropy is independent of path of process
There will be the same amount of entropy transferred if it goes back and forth randomly before it reaches the final, or if it goes directly to the final entropy.
(It doesn't matter how you get to the final point, just as long as you get there.)

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