Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday/Wednesday - Quiz # 1

I wanted to post the correct answer to this weeks quiz and explain it, so i am currently doing so...

the question was...

The combustion of XXXXXX liberates heat. Which of the following statements is true?
A) ΔH(reaction) > 0, ΔH(surroundings) > 0
B) ΔH(reaction) <> 0
C) ΔH(reaction) > 0, ΔH(surroundings) <>0.
D) something i cant remember.

The answer is B - I had a really good explanation, but somehow, it got erased, so when I get a second - ill put it back up
If there are any questions, please speak up - i know this can be somewhat confusing with all the signs and stuff, as it was(and still is) for me.

to quote someone who was probably important or succeeded somehow in life:

"The only stupid question is the one that goes unasked."

i actually just made that version up, but its very, very, very pertinent given our situation. Its actually just an all - around good quote that can be applied to life in general, given any situation. Keep that in mind.

1 comment:

Alvin said...

you're such a nerd. good for you; have a fun semester.